Research Institutes

Research Institutes

1. GUET Center for Cultural Translation Studies

Approved as a think-tank, GUET Center for Cultural Translation Studies (CCTS) is a university-level research institution with a clearly articulated mission: It promotes crosscultural communication and China’s discourse in a global world via incremental translation efforts, theoretic and practitional.

Among the multifaceted and meaningful visions, CCTS strives to:

l construct a virtual library of readings on translation and interpretation in free and downloadable pdfs;

l review and improve regional, Guilin municipality’s urban and rural, in-use translations from Chinese into English;

l provide consultation and evaluation on translation and translation projects;

l translate Guangxi-related cultures and cultural texts;

l popularize Guangxi ethnic medical culture via translation;

l conduct research on pragmatic translation with special reference to Guangxi’s cultural texts;

l theorize pragmatic translation so as to contribute to ongoing discussions and guide practices.

To accomplish the objectives and goals, CCTS engages colleagues at the COFS community and beyond to dialogs on translation, debates and research on translation issues, creation of translation tasks, opportunities and challenges. It is home to faculty and students for fulfilling dreams by and in doing translation and translation study.

2. Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Based on the previously founded Translation Research Institute (2008), Literature Research Institute (2008) and College English Teaching Reform Research Center (2008), Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics was originally established by College of Foreign Studies in November 2012, when it was called Center for Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Research and Exchange. In 2015, it became a university-level research center of humanities and social sciences, with the approval of Guilin University of Electronic Technology.

Since its establishment, the center has been attaching great importance to scientific research and construction of research teams including Language and Culture, Translation Theory and Practice, Foreign Literature, Foreign Language Education and Network Technology. Since 2012, the center has published 7 monographs, 5 translated works, 2 collections of essays as well as .a total of 58 papers in reputable journals. Its completed or ongoing research programs include 1 funded by National Social Science Foundation, 2 by Ministry of Education, 3 by Guangxi Social Science Foundation and 6 by Guangxi Education Department.

3. Center for Philippine Studies

Center for Philippine Studies is an academic institute jointly established by Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET) and Guangxi International Cultural Exchange Center. It is affiliated to the College of Foreign Studies of GUET.

The center serves the Belt and Road Initiative with the theme of promoting the understanding of Chinese and Filipino cultures. Specifically, it carries out research on and cultural exchange with the Republic of the Philippines in the fields of literature, culture, language, economy, education, etc.

The center is committed to organizing and promoting the comprehensive study of Filipino culture; to building a platform for cultural exchange and higher education exchange and cooperation, to organizing researches and publication of achievements in the field of Philippine studies; to promoting the exchange and cooperation of science and technology, and to providing a platform for people-to-people exchange between China and the Philippines; to holding relevant academic seminars and other forms academic activities; and to training researchers in Philippine studies.
