
  2024-03-11   点击:[10]

[1] H. He, M. Cai*, M. Yun, et al, Highly stable pin pull test method for PCB pad cratering characterization, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, vol. 73, pp. 1-8. (SCI)

[2] M. Yun, M. Cai*, D. Yang, et al, Bond wire damage detection method on discrete MOSFETs based on two-Port network measurement, Micromachines, 2022, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1075. (SCI)

[3] M. Yun, D. Yang*, M. Cai, et al, Aging and sintered layer defect detection of discrete MOSFETs using frequency domain reflectometry associate with parasitic resistance, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2024. (SCI, doi: 10.1109/TDMR.2024.3363713)

[4] X. Li, M. Cai*, L. Wang, F. Niu, D.G. Yang*,G.Q. Zhang, Evaluation survey of microbial disinfection methods in UV-LED water treatment systems[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 659 (2019), pp: 14151427. (SCI收录)

[5] M. Cai, D.G. Yang, Y.Z. Mo, et al., Determining the thermal stress limit of LED lamps using highly accelerated decay testing [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 102(5), pp: 1451-1461. (SCI收录)

[6] M. Cai, D.G. Yang, J.N. Zheng, et al., Thermal degradation kinetics of LED lamps in step-up-stress and step-down-stress accelerated degradation testing [J], Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 107, pp: 918926. (SCI收录)

[7] M. Cai, D.G. Yang, J.L. Huang, et al., Color shift modeling of light-emitting diode lamps in step-loaded stress testing [J], IEEE Photonics Journal, 2016, DOI:10.1109/JPHOT.2016.2634702. (SCI收录)

[8] M. Cai, D.G. Yang, K.M. Tian, X.J. Fan, et al., A hybrid prediction method on luminous flux maintenance of high-power LED lamps [J], Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 95 , pp: 482-490. (SCI收录)

[9] M. Cai, D.G. Yang, J.L. Huang, et al., Effects of stress-loading test methods on the degradation of LED modules [J], Microelectronics Reliability, 2016, 64, pp: 635-639. (SCI收录)

[10] M. Cai, D.G. Yang, X.P. Chen, et al., Step-stress accelerated testing of high-power LED lamps based on subsystem isolation method [J], Microelectronics Reliability, 2015, 55(9), pp: 1784-1789. (SCI收录)

[11] M. Cai, D.J. Xie, W.B. Chen, B.Y. Wu, D.G. Yang, G.Q. Zhang. A Novel Soldering Method to Evaluate PCB Pad Cratering for Pin-Pull Testing [J], Microelectronics Reliability, 2013, 53(9-11), pp: 15681574. (SCI收录)

[12] Zaifu Cui, M. Cai, Xianping Chen, Daoguo Yang, et al. A numerical procedure for simulating thermal oxidation diffusion of epoxy molding compounds [J], Microelectronics Reliability, 55 (2015), pp. 1877-1881. (SCI 收录)

