
  2024-03-11   点击:[10]

(1) Erhu Yan*, Ruonan Min, Haoran Huang, Ping Zhao, Pengru Huang, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Shuhui Sun, Lixian Sun. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(31): 16684-16697.

(2) Erhu Yan*, Haoran Huang, Shuhui Sun, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Lixian Sun. Journal of Membrane Science 565 (2018) 411-424.

(3) Erhu Yan*, Jinhua Wang, Ping Zhao, Chongbo Di, Yuncan Chen, Pengru Huang, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25.

(4) Erhu Yan*, R. N. Min, P. Zhao, R. D. K. Misra, P. R. Huang, Y. J. Zou, H. L. Chu, H. Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L. X. Sun. Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 595.

(5) 陈运灿,闫二虎*,狄翀博,王金华,黄浩然,王豪,刘威,徐芬,孙立贤.材料导报,2020,34(21):21001-21011.

(6) Erhu Yan*, Yuncan Chen, Kexiang Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Lixian Sun. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257.

(7) P. Zhao, F. Du, E. Yan*, R. D. K. Misra, Z. Liu. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 739: 37-44.

(8) P. Zhao, X. R. Wang, E. Yan*, R. D. K. Misra, C. M. Du, F. Du. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 754: 275-281.

(9) Q. C. Fan, Y. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Y. Y. Wang, E. H. Yan, S. K. Huang, Y. H. Wen. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 790: 1167-1176.

(10) Jiaxi Liu, Pengru Huang, Yilong Wang, Hongliang Peng, Yongjin Zou, Huanzhi Zhang, Erhu Yan, Mengqiu Long, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2019, 571: 257-262.

(11) Erhu Yan*, Haoran Huang, Ruonan Min, Fen Xu, Ping Zhao, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Lixian Sun. Design and characterizations of novel Nb-ZrCo hydrogen permeation alloys for hydrogen separation applications. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 212,282-291.

(12) Erhu Yan*, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Daming Xu, Shujun Qiu, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Yixin Sun. Changes in microstructure, solidification path and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Hf-Co alloy by adjusting Hf/Co ratio. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 1391-1400.

(13) Erhu Yan*, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Yixin Sun. Changes in microstructures and hydrogen permeability of Nb30Hf35Co35 eutectic alloy membranes by annealing. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 1401-1407.

(14) Erhu Yan*, Xinzhong Li, Markus Rettenmayr, Dongmei Liu, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo, Daming Xu, Hengzhi Fu. Design of hydrogen permeable Nb-Ni-Ti alloys by correlating the microstructures, solidification paths and hydrogen permeability. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 3505-3516.

(15) Erhu Yan*, Xinzhong Li, Dongmei Liu, Markus Rettenmayr, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo. Nb-HfCo alloys with pronounced high hydrogen permeability: a new family of metallic hydrogen permeation membranes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 8385-8389.

(16) Xinzhong Li*, Erhu Yan, Markus Rettenmayr, Dongmei Liu, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo. Hydrogen permeation behavior of Nb30Ti35Ni35-xCox (x= 0 35) alloys containing high fractions of eutectic. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 9366-9374.

(17) Erhu Yan*, Xinzhong Li, Dongmei Liu, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. A skull-aided technique for directional solidification of Nb-41Ni-40Ti hydrogen permeable alloy. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 391: 78-84.

(18) Erhu Yan*, Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Dongmei Liu, Daming Xu, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Prediction of the solidification path of Al-4.37Cu-27.02Mg ternary eutectic alloy with a unified microsegregation model coupled with Thermo-Calc. International Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 3: 244-254.

(19) Xinzhong Li*, Dongmei Liu, Ruirun Chen, Erhu Yan, Xiao Liang, Markus Rettenmayr, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Changes in microstructure, ductility and hydrogen permeability of Nb-(Ti, Hf)Ni alloy membranes by the substitution of Ti by Hf. Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 484: 47-56.

(20) Yongjin Zou, Qingyong Wang, Cuili Xiang, Chengying Tang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Doping composite of polyaniline and reduced graphene oxide with palladium nanoparticles for room-temperature hydrogen-gas sensinInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 5396~5404.

(21) Shujun Qiu, Jianling Huang, Feihong Shen, Rui Pan, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Enhancement of the electrochemical performance of CoB amorphous alloy through the addition of A2B7-type alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 16142~16147.

(22) Lifang Song, Yongjin Zou, Haitao Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. High Performance Supercapacitor based on Polypyrrole/Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Derived Carbon Material, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2017, 12: 1014~1024.

(23) Shujun Qiu, Jianling Huang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. The Co-B Amorphous Alloy: A High Capacity Anode Material for an Alkaline Rechargeable Battery, Metals, 2016, 6(11): 269~276.

(24) Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Pengru Huang, Yujia Sun, Qian Zheng, Yongjin Zou, Hailing Chu, Erhu Yan, Huanzhi Zhang, Jianhuan Wang, Yong Du. A pyridine vapor sensor based on metal-organic framework-modifiedquartz crystal microbalance, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 254: 872~877.

(25) Yongjin Zou, Yubo Gao, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Chengying Tang, Lixian Sun. Cobalt-Nickel-Boron Supported over Polypyrrole-Derived Activated Carbon for Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane, Metals, 2016, 6: 154~166.

(26) Qingyong Wang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shusheng Liu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Chengying Tang. Prussian-Blue-Doped Super-Activated Carbon as a High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode Material, International Journal Electrochemistry Science, 2016, 11: 5679~5690.

(27) Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Daming Xu. Prediction of the solidification path of Al-6.32Cu-25.13Mg alloy by a unified microsegregation model coupled with Thermo-Calc. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2016, 52(5): 632-640.

(28) Haoran Huang, Erhu Yan*, Ruonan Min, Xinzhong Li, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Study on optimum design and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Ti-Co separation alloy, I. Construction of phase diagram and hydrogen permeable component region, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China2018accept.

(29) Ruonan Min, Haoran Huang, Erhu Yan*, Xinzhong Li, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Study on optimum design and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Ti-Co separation alloy, II. Hydrogen permeability and mechanism, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China2018accept.

(30) Erhu Yan*, Haoran Huang, Guizhong Liu, Yifeng Ban, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. The construction of hydrogen permeation model and its application in Nb-based hydrogen percolation alloy. Materials Reviews, 2018, accept.

(31) Erhu Yan, Xinzhong Li, Ping Tang, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Microstructure and hydrogen permeation characteristic of near eutectic Nb-Ti-Co hydrogen separation alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2014, 50: 71-78.

(32) Erhu Yan, Xinzhong Li, Daming Xu, Guangwei Zhao, Jianxin Zhou, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Solidification mechanism of ternary quasi-peritectic alloy of Al-11.80Cu-24.22Mg. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2011; 47: 1464-1469.

(33) Erhu Yan*, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Xinzhong Li, Jingjie Guo. Research progress of hydrogen permeation membrane of Nb-Ni-Ti ternary alloy. Materials Reviews, 2015, 29: 86-91.

(34) Xingyu Ma, Errui Wang, Shunjun Qiu, Hailiang Chu,Yongjing Zou, Cuili Xiang, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Study on hydrogen storage performance and its mechanism of LiNH2-MgH2-LiH system. Materials Reviews, 2016, 30206-210.

(35) P. Zhao, Z. Liu, R.D.K. Misra, F. Du, C. Zhang, Z.G. Yang, E. Yan. Non-inclusion induced crack initiation in multiphase high-strength steel during very high cycle fatigue. Materials Science & Engineering A , 2018 712: 406-413.

(36) Erhu Yan, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Xinzhong Li, Jingjie Guo. Microstructure and hydrogen permeation characteristic of Nb-ZrNi alloy, conference paper, 2015.
