
  2024-03-20   点击:[10]

[1] Xiaokai Hu, Priyanka Jood, Michihiro Ohta, Masaru Kunii, Kazuo Nagase, Hirotaka Nishiate, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Atsushi Yamamoto, Power Generation of Nanostructured PbTe-based Thermoelectrics: Comprehensive Development From Materials to Modules, Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9, 517-529. (高影响因子:30.1)
[2] Xiaokai Hu, Hiroyuki Takazawa, kazuo Nagase, Atsushi Yamamoto, Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation for a Thermoelectric Generator Module, Journal of electronic materials, 2015, 44(10), 3637-3645..
[3] Xiaokai Hu, Zhitang Song, Haibo Wang, Weili Liu, Zefang Zhang, Investigation on the controllable growth of monodisperse silica colloid abrasives for the chemical mechanical polishing application, Microelectronic Engineering 2010, 87, 1751. (该论文研究结果已实现产业化,年产值近1亿元人民币)
[4] Xiaokai Hu, Yi Tai Qian, Z. T. Song, Jia Rui Huang, R. Cao, and John Q. Xiao, Comparative Study on MoO3 and HxMoO3 Nanobelts: Structure and Electric Transport. Chemistry of Materials. 2008, 20 (4), 1527–1533
[5] 胡晓凯,张双猛,刘勇,刘玮书,热电器件的界面和界面材料. 无机材料学报,2019, 34(3), 269-278. 
[6] Xiaokai Hu, Atsushi Yamamoto. Characterization of thermoelectric conversion for a stacked leg with parasitic heat radiation, Measurement, 2021, 171, 108846. 
